Sunday, December 10, 2006

Discount Auto Insurance

By Tristan Andrews
Everyone associates auto insurance with high premiums. With good reason—many premiums are high, depending on the demographics of drivers as well as their driving record. Dissatisfied drivers are constantly looking for affordable insurance from other companies, as indicated by the many free quotes offered online. There is good news—discount auto insurance can be found. The secret to finding discount insurance is to know where to look.

Consider these 5 pointers:

1. Shop around. There are literally hundreds of insurance companies competing for your business. While many of them are priced to compete with each other, others make their money on the assumption that most potential customers are too lazy to shop around for a better quote. The sad truth is, many are. And so drivers are stuck with expensive insurance with high premiums that simply cover what other people have insured for significantly less. There is discount auto insurance out there, but until you search for the best deal in town—or better yet throughout the nation and the Internet—then you might be paying too much.

2. Discount your current auto insurance by raising your deductible. How safe a driver are you? If you learn over a period of time that you’re a near-perfect driver, and better yet, a good defensive driver who avoids other people’s mistakes, then it might be worth thinking about to take a higher deductible. Doing so will lower your monthly auto insurance bill substantially. If you’re a good defensive driver then maybe you can afford to raise your deductible, given that you rarely have to worry about it, and lower your payments. But always be sure in the case of an emergency, that you have enough money saved up to pay the deductible. Stranger things have happened than a week of bad luck.

Article Source:
Discount Auto Insurance

Article Sourse II

NLP na Mazurach

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