Friday, December 8, 2006

By Mark Clarkson
Have you ever tried starting your car but it seems like it has already lost its power?

This kind of situation could happen to anyone especially during times when you may have forgotten to turn off some of your Toyota car parts and the other accessories of your vehicle like the lights. When you do this, the stored charge from the battery is used up leaving no more power to start your vehicle up.

You may think that jumper cables might be the answer to this problem. However, what if you do get caught in such a situation without any cars with charged batteries nearby?

You actually still could start up your vehicle without the use of jumper cables. In fact, there is one proven yet very simple way of starting up a car with a dead battery. The answer? Pushing your car back to life. Keep in mind, though, that you can only push your car to let it start if and only if your car has a stick shift or employs the use of a manual transmission. You can start up your car if the problem is the battery or the starter.
Article Source:
Push Your Car Back To Life
Article Sourse II

NLP na Mazurach

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